BTW. Stereo means "solid". Interesting, eh? I guessed it would mean something more akin to "two". But there it is, solid. Solid as in, having depth and form - like solid geometry. So stereo sound was a reference to sound having depth and substance - place and space. Drome was an old term for a field, arena or such. Aerodrome was an old term for an "airport" (or more like landing strip or field). A hippodrome was a race track for horses.... There was an early attempt at powered flight using a steam engine - the aircraft (it tumbled into the ocean) was called the Aerodrome. The Pleiades are a real star cluster - very visible to the naked eye. It was said they were seven sisters - extremely beautiful to behold. A little bit aloof, they were punished by being put into the Heavens by some such god where all men could look upon their beauty but none could possess them.
I never wrapped this game up - it sits still on the back-back burner (with countless other games as well). Still, what the hell, I thought I'd up it. I promised a few people I would and there are a number of stereo/3D fans out there.
Control notes╔. Mouse and mouse button. Go. (Aside: you can also use the + and - keys to modify the parallax on the fly when in the game. Play.)
Unfinished notes╔. Why doesn't the Resume button work? Never completed. If you have any questions about specific incongruities in the game, my answer will invariably be, "Never completed." Use your imagination.
Compatibility notes╔. Who knows. Works on my Quadra 700/Power PC with a 13" monitor and 256 colors. Can't say I've tested it anywhere else. This is a niche game.
Objective notes╔. You have no objective in the game (as it stands). Shoot the incoming ships, choose a destination star to go to. Try not to get hit. You don't die though. You can imagine though that when your shields fall to zero you SHOULD have died.
Obligatory legal notes╔. The game is freeware but I'm still holding onto the copyrights (in case it ever makes it onto the front burner).